Wednesday, June 1, 2011

#7: Shenanigans

I have a problem of thinking further ahead than what I'm actually writing, typing, or speaking. I often skip words, mash words together, or switch words. For example, I get a lot of flak for having said "swink trums." If you come across an error, think of it as a mind game challenge. Fill in the blanks, that sort of thing. I'm unintentionally helping you keep your noggin tip top ;0)

I hope you take some time to post a comment answering the question or addressing the post or providing input or whatever (remember, NO "First!"). You don't have to write a whole bunch of stuff. Just a few words would do. I really look forward to reading what you have to say. Also, if you like this blog, please share it with other people. Thanks!

I saw from the blog's stats that, on multiple occasions, I have visitors from Germany. Who are you? I really want to know :0) Hi! Guten tag! Danke for reading my blog (yeah, my expansive knowledge of German ends there).

A disappointing and often time frustrating part of med school has been the limited time I get to see my close friends. Sure, there are breaks and holiday weekends, but here's the thing: you can go as far away as possible from the school, but it never ends. You can leave the lecture hall at 4PM, but the work load haunts you til you go to bed. It's really a full time job and some more. It really is relentless most of the time. It's not that horrible, but there are only a few rare handful of moments you can completely forget about med school. Unless you're transitioning from one block to the next, there's always the next barrage of exams. Gotta study, gotta study.

I really admire the people who can parse their time very efficiently to maximize both studying and zoning out to chillax. But, I can't really do that. I study when I'm back at home staying with friends or when we're on I-81 to Canada. Yeah, I'm a party pooper. sad face.

Thus, on this ever growing list of ways to improve to be happier, I have written down: Keep better in touch with friends. Although most of the time I abhor texting, it is a way nevertheless. Emails, too. Oy, even Facebook. Smoke signals if I have to.

But, nothing replaces face to face time and random shenanigans. From throwing darts at each other's face to camping through a hurricane to window prom dress shopping to attending a football game in the soaking rain, those are what memories are made of.

What are your plans with friends this year? What do you want to do with friends, but haven't had the time to do so? 

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