Saturday, April 21, 2012

#36: Culture Shock

CC. 2/2. PMHx. Abs. Tx. Abx. qd. subq. DKA. DM. MVA. Sxs.

This is how I write my notes. I speak in the structure of chief complaint (CC), history of present illness (HPI), past medical history (PMHx), and a closing with treatment (Tx). I get a bit annoyed when people don't present things in this structure, even when we don't talk about medicine. I oftentimes want people to present their life problems just like a medical presentation on rounds.

This past Spring Break it took me a few days to become reacclimated with how normal civilized people interact with carefree banter that go nowhere and has no point other than for kicks and giggles. It took me a few days to put away the books even for a day and go have fun without feeling an exorbitant load of guilt.

After being around medicine and medicine people all day, every day for a long period of time, it really takes a long time to adjust. Exiting the medicine world is almost a surreal experience. It's difficult "shut off" the medical personality. Somehow I feel that this is like a Southwest Airlines commercial: want to get away?

How difficult is it for you understand what doctors are saying, especially with jargon?   

Monday, April 16, 2012

#35: Who Wants to Date a Med Student?

Here are some things you should know if you're about to date a med student, especially if you're not a med student:

If you're thinking about dating a 1st year:
1) Postexam bar nights are filled with reckless libation and obscene debauchery.
2) The first few months (3-4) aren't so bad. Your med school significant other will have some free time. Some.
3) Shit hits the fan about 6 months in. Maybe 8 if you're lucky.
4) If you want to bring up a complaint about the relationship, make it high yield: CC and HPI. You will hear "high yield" a whole fucking lot.
5) Unless you can somehow study for about 8 hours per day a week before exams, there really isn't much you can do together as a couple during that week. Well, maybe you two can go pick up a pizza or Chinese. Romantic.

If you're thinking about dating a 2nd year:
1) Don't.
2) Really?
3) What? Still?
4) You crazy.
5) Ok, fine. You really want to know why? Step 1.

I have more or less one week of vacation between 2nd and 3rd year. America is a vast nation of amazing places. Where should I travel to?