Questions? Answers!

Who are you?
I'm a medical student. Currently, 2nd year.It's awesome. Really. It is. I wouldn't trade being miserable here in med school for not being miserable elsewhere.

Where do you go to school?
You won't know. What I write does not reflect or represent the views of the school or any institution I'm affiliated with.

What are your favorite TV shows?
Community. The Daily Show. The Big Bang Theory. House MD...and the Wonder Years. Kicking it old school. Ooooh, also, Mad Men.  

Can you help me with this medical problem I have?
No. Trust me, at this stage in medical education, you don't want me to. In the future, still no.

What's the point of this blog?
This blog used to be about sharing my experiences during med school and reviews about relatively inexpensive diverse wines that fit into a med student's budget. However, having experienced nearly a year in med school, I felt that "life" is kind of passing me by. I'm not talking about missing out on parties and shenanigans that 20-something year olds would and could do. I'm talking about putting myself out there to be exposed to and learn from different people and cultures. When you're a med student, time is quite limited (trust me, you'll hear more about this later), but I have this wish to travel, meet people, and hear what they have to say.

Thus, my intention with this blog is to describe situations I'm going through, feelings that I feel, and musings that pop into my wandering thoughts as I sit through a lecture about Waardenberg Syndrome (usually autosomal dominant, but some types are autosomal recessive). I don't want to feel confined to my dark dungeon wallowing in the miseries of incessant higher education. I want to learn from my people have to say or at least be aware of different perspectives. I want to have "life", my life specifically to be "examined." I just don't have time to meet "everyone." This is where the interweb comes into play.

How does this blog work?
This is how it's going to be:
a) I set the scene with my reactions and thoughts based on one of my meandering experiences Look, they're reactions and thoughts, NOT necessarily what I believe in. A lot of stuff will be trivial, but I believe these trivial matters are important to savor when I'm young and don't have mortgages, kids, and adult shtuff to deal with. A good number of topics will be medically related because I'm a med student if haven't noticed.
b) You, in a civilized manner, share your take on things. NO three or FOUR or five letter words (you know what those words are). NO statements that are derogatory, bigoted, racially offensive, sexist in intent. Look, the important word is intent. Some topics may be a bit on the edge, but we're all adults on the internets, so play nice. Understand that different people have different points of views because of their different experiences. I will do the same. If something horrible is said, go sit in the corner and then apologize sincerely. No, but really, apologize and learn from the mistake. Just respect people and their points of view, ok? Please, don't post "First." I ask you nicely not to do that. (Not nice way: That's dumb. Don't do that.)

That's it. I share things with you and you share things with me. I'm young and I want to grow and learn from this. So, teach me and share. Have fun.  Shoot the breeze.

What are some of your pet peeves?
a) When a guy ties his tie either too short or too long.
b) When someone texts or check his/her cell phone when while we're hanging out, especially when it's one on one.
c) When the grocer does not separate fruits and vegetables that can bruise from the rest of the groceries.

What are some of your quirks?
a) Left leg in pants first.
b) I eat what's not interesting first.
c) I do license plate math. It's a difficult thing to explain.

Am I bringing sexy back?
Sexy never left.