Monday, May 23, 2011

#2: Best Friend

For a very long while, I've been having a few best friends. The ones with whom you go to shoot the breeze, do reckless shenanigans, and have an unspoken unwavering support. But, it wasn't until about 2 years that I met Casey (not the real name, of course). Through the years, she's become my best friend. Not one of my best friends. Best friend. She has given me some of the fondest memories, the happy ones, the sad ones, the frustrating ones, and the peaceful ones.

She takes it and dishes it. She can read me before I've even finished thinking about myself. The absolute best characteristic about her is that she pushes and challenges me to become a better person although I can be obtusely stubborn and infuriatingly defensive. She's always stand by me even during and after I've blurted out things she never deserved to hear. On the flip side, she's always been at the absolute top of her game when I've help her to be a better person.

This first year in medical school has been one of the most challenging times in my life so far mainly because I need to grow up and learn to face my problems head on instead of sweeping them under the carpet. I really don't know how Casey does it, but she's stuck by me and, like a broken record, pushed me to man up, deal with my problems, be happy, and just live. Casey has always been there with me, through thick and thin.

I'm working hard to become improve my weaknesses and be happier. The emotional stress of med school is rough in addition to the work stress. I feel that I've never worked so hard and expend so much of my talent to be just...mediocre. I'm very tough on myself, sometimes too tough that I often have a one track mind to plow through my weaknesses and studies with unthoughtful brute force. Or, I often just freeze with disappointment and cram my problems into that horrible closet I never want to open.

It hurts when someone points out the root of my problems. There's an overwhelming sense of vulnerability and failure. But, the best friend has the audacity to knock you down to rubble and help you build a new self, a better self.  For free. I know I need to resolve my problems with better finesse and I shouldn't ignore my problems anymore thanks to Casey.

Casey has been my main supporter through the first year. I don't think I would have gotten here without her. I'm forever grateful to be this lucky to have Casey as my best friend. Thank you.

Remember, folks, a best friend is free, but losing one costs dearly.

What makes your best friend your best friend? 

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