Friday, September 23, 2011

#23: Open Letter

Dear 2nd Year of Medical School,
First, you've taken tens of thousands of dollars. Second, you've taken away my social life. Third, you've taken away my libido to mate. Would you like my first born too?

Exhausted MS II

PS: Ladies, the libido thing was a joke. Ladies...?

Have you seen New Girl with Zooey Deschanel? You haven't? Shame on you. 


  1. I've seen The New Girl! And it is hands down the best twenty minutes of my week. Every week.

    PS, not to be creepy, but I just found your blog from Fizzy's. I'm going through and reading your archives right now, but suffice to say, you've got me hooked. Keep writing! :)

    1. Not creepy at all. It was a truly pleasant surprise to know there is someone on Earth who reads this blog...and actually enjoys it. Whowuddathunk? Because of your comment, I actually updated after two months. Kudos to you for the encouragement and thank you for reading and commenting!
